Two Heads Work Better Than One.
We Work Together As A Team!

How many times have you said, "This is it, I will no longer tolerate that!"? And how about these conversations going nowhere each time? And who ends up feeling anxious and sad for days? You.
How much longer will you put up with this?
ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW tailored to your situation!
What Can You Expect?
Your Awareness Is Your Shield
It will protect the quality of your relationships

Meet and greet.
Take a snapshot of your situation.
Go over your program.
Go over the worksheet.
Get to work.
Worksheet for the following week.

Week One
What's Been on Your Mind?

Week Two
Core Values and Body Language.
Your core values revisied.
Your body language.
Step into value-character.
Worksheet for the following week.

Week Three
These Red Flags We Don't See or Ignore.
Understanding your red flags.
Compassion and forgiveness.
Sripting your "No More" List.
Scriping your boundaries.
Worksheet for the following week.

Week Four
Wrapping Up Your Awareness Gifts.
We revisit each topics.
Hand you the four golden keys to your healthy relationships and freedom.
Answer your questions.
One free follow up Skype.
Worksheet for the following week.

We take a step back from all the emotional mayhem surrounding you at the moment.
We become the objective observer as if we're looking through a glass window.
We gather the facts. It will give you clarity and emotional peace you are so ready for!
Let's put this behind you once and for all.
Why Wait?
Don't Miss Out.
Why Wait?
90 minutes | $174
per session

Break The Ties
of Toxic People And Relationships