Recommended Books
Books recommended by the Life Coach
The Biology of Belief
Your biological parent's genetic makeup has never predetermined your behavior or beliefs.
Dr. Lipton's The Biology of Belief comes as a relief for those of us who grew up in dysfunctional, city-street environments.
Our beliefs and reactions were shaped by the environment and people surrounding us. The cycle will keep repeating itself until each one of us lifts the layers of our involuntary hypnotic conditioning.
Dr. Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. He was a professor of stem cellular biology at the Department of Anatomy at the University of Wisconsin's School of Medicine.
Click here to purchase The Biology of Belief.
The Dark Side of the Light Chasers
Ford's teachings are for serious seekers and not for the faint of heart. She communicates in a layman's language the nature of the shadow, its behavior, and how its light will transform our lives leaving us feeling whole and serene. "When we own our dark side, it holds the promise of a better and more fulfilling life" ~Debbie Ford
Click here to purchase Debbie Ford's book, The Dark Side of the Light Chasers.
The Life Visioning Process
The life visioning process is a powerful and pivotal tool to incorporate into one's life. It goes much deeper than the simple principles of manifestation and attraction. It takes it further. Michael Beckwith's eloquent instruction will take your consciousness to levels you have never explored before.
Click here to purchase The Life Visioning Process.
Your Immortal Brain
Dr. Joe Dispenza, internationally recognized author, lecturer, and neuroscientist is an expert in the biology of change and the art of observation. "
Dr. Dispenza. You are right. Thoughts do matter, and the application of new knowledge becomes essential for creating empowering experiences. The implementation of what you teach gave my life a 180-spin for the extraordinary! This website is one of many instances I have."
Click here to purchase Your Immortal Brain.
Wealth Beyond Reason
Have you heard these before? Money doesn't grow on trees," or my favorite, "When you are born for a small lot in life, you not born for a big one."
Bob Dole is the Creator of the Wealth Beyond Reason program and a well-recognized author who presents the law of abundance from a scientific viewpoint demystifying all the myths.
I have yet to hear someone who teaches on a sensitive topic like money with such simplicity, clarity, and good common sense.
Click here to purchase Wealth Beyond Reason.